比如有ä¸å°‘州规定作为一个habitable的房间,高度必须ä¸å°äºŽ2.4米,有人就å‘帖å问,我的房åä¸åˆ°2.4米,如果当作habitable的房å出租会有什么问题么,政府会找我麻烦么?有人回ç”,æ®æˆ‘所知很多人都这么干,政府ä¸ç®¡çš„。å¦ä¸€ä½è€å“¥å›žç”,我从æ¥éƒ½éµçºªå®ˆæ³•ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥æ™šä¸Šæ‰ç¡å¾—å®‰ç¨³ã€‚å¦‚æžœä½ æƒ³æ‰æ›²åˆ¶åº¦æ¥èŽ·å¾—åˆ©ç›Šï¼Œé‚£ä½ è¿˜ä¸å¦‚去贩毒呢,åæ£éƒ½æ˜¯è¿æ³•çš„,那个æ¥é’±æ›´å¿«ã€‚æœ‰æŒ‘æˆ˜çš„æ˜¯æ³•å¾‹åˆ¶åº¦å†…åˆ›é€ ä»·å€¼ï¼Œè¦ä¸æ¯”å¦‚ä½ çŽ©é«˜å°”å¤«ï¼Œå¦‚æžœä½ æ‰“ç®—è€è¯ˆæ¥èŽ·èƒœï¼Œé‚£ä½ 浪费时间玩这个还有什么æ„义呢。
when people do the wrong thing they should accept the consequences, if you are aware its the wrong height , you should not be letting it, But for me i always do the right thing so i can sleep at night , if you are bending the system that creats you money then you might as well be selling drugs, the money is better and in my eyes they are both illegal, but that just my take on it.
the challange is to create wealth the legal way , the other way is not a challange its like cheating at golf , why bother playing to better your game . you could bend the rules just a bit and say your a pro after the first game , not much fun at all.
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