一直听到有消息说华纳会发行成长的烦恼DVD,等到现在,在华纳2005-06年重要DVD发行计划中,成长的烦恼也只是排在“考虑发行中”的行列,真是的。弄得我现在手边也只有画质低劣的rm版聊以充饥。今天看到了这个请愿网页Growing Pains to be Released on DVD,我当然毫不犹豫的投了一票。各位fans,快去签个名吧。
To: Warner Brothers
“Growing Pains” is one of the greatest shows to ever appear on TV. So why isn’t there a DVD release yet? We have one for many other popular TV shows, but not “Growing Pains”? We, the many fans, would like each season to be released. Warner Brothers, if you are listening, please hurry to get the first season of “Growing Pains” in stores before Christmas! Thank you for your time!Sincerely,
The Undersigned
11. Karylin: Growing Pains is a shwo that will be remembered always!
24. Ken Riney: Growing Pains served as an inspiration for me. Like Carol Seaver, I too won my battle with anorexia.
51. Emmy: Everyone needs Kirk Cameron on DVD!!!
53. Jenna Romano: I love Growing Pains, and would love to have all the episodes in their entirity, especially Season 7 with Leonardo DiCaprio!!!
58. Chuck: There is DEFINITELY a market for this. If I remember, the reunion movie got VERY good ratings (so consider releasing that too!)
60. Garrett Clapp: Growing Pains is a huge part of my years as a young adult. It had great values and needs to be made available to the public again.
66. James Fisher: Jesus loves Growing Pains, and so do I.
69. Daniel Bryant: Myself and the United States Marines support this cause.
122. Anel C: Please put Growing Pains on DVD… I am sure that every 27+ year old will greatley appreciate it and buy it
152. Peter Poppins: “Growing Pains” was more than a show, it was a joygasm. It was a show which showed the outright hostility, and angst that is found in the American family. Remember when Mike knocked out Jason with a hammer, and buried him in a shallow grave in the backyard? Ah, memories!
201. Carol Seaver: I love this show and it really, really, really, really, really, really needs to come out in seasons!