Archive for the 日常 category

7月 3rd, 2020


Posted in 日常 by freecolor


7月 1st, 2020


Posted in 日常 by freecolor



7月 1st, 2020


Posted in 日常 by freecolor


6月 13th, 2020

上child care

Posted in 日常 by freecolor


娃现在已ç»ä¼šç”¨å‡ ä¸ªç®€å•å­—表达æ„æ€ï¼Œâ€œæ‰“å¼€ â€ã€â€œé£žæœºâ€ã€â€œå¤–外â€ç­‰ã€‚也时常会说一大串è°ä¹Ÿå¬ä¸æ‡‚çš„è¯ã€‚

希望她去child care能玩的开心,别生病。

5月 11th, 2020


Posted in 日常 by freecolor

今天上英语课时,看到iPad上弹出邮件通知,一连4å°ã€‚打开一看,果然是golden letter到了。æ¥æ¾³3年零9个月,æ交申请20个月,终于,万里长å¾èµ°å®Œé‡è¦ä¸€æ­¥ã€‚




4月 10th, 2020


Posted in 日常 by freecolor

首先说,我得承认文笔有é™ï¼Œä¸Šç¯‡åšæ–‡é‡Œçš„一些表达没有把我的æ„æ€å®Œå…¨è¡¨è¾¾å‡ºæ¥ã€‚比如说我的本æ¥ç›®çš„是想说通过这件事,我å‘现自己在æ€è€ƒé—®é¢˜ä¸Šæœ‰è¿™ä¹ˆå¤šå£éšœï¼Œå€¼å¾—自我åçœã€‚但写出æ¥å°±å¥½åƒåœ¨æ”»å‡»ä¸­å›½ä¸€æ ·ã€‚其实并这ä¸æ˜¯æˆ‘原文的æ„图。


4月 5th, 2020


Posted in 日常 by freecolor

4.10 补充:

一些客观事实å¯èƒ½ä¼šå˜åŒ–,比如有些国家å¯èƒ½ä¼šå› åº”情况改å˜å£ç½©ç­–略,但这ä¸å½±å“我们的讨论,把议题放宽到“为什么有的国家è¦æ±‚全民戴å£ç½©ï¼Œè€Œæœ‰çš„国家ä¸è¿™ä¹ˆè¦æ±‚â€ï¼Œè¿™äº›æ€è€ƒä¾ç„¶æˆç«‹ã€‚

å¦å¤–,正因为一些客观事实éšæ—¶ä¼šå˜åŒ–,éšæ—¶ä¼šæœ‰æ–°çš„科学è¯æ®å‡ºæ¥ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥æœ¬æ–‡ç€çœ¼ç‚¹æ˜¯æˆ‘们应该如何处ç†ä¿¡æ¯ï¼Œæ€è€ƒé—®é¢˜ï¼Œæ²¡å¿…è¦è¿‡åˆ†çº ç»“于客观事实的对错。




这个问题会调动到一个人的综åˆèƒ½åŠ›ï¼Œå¥½å¥‡å¿ƒã€ä¿¡æ¯æ”¶é›†ã€ä¿¡æ¯é˜…读ç†è§£ã€åœ¨å¤šç§ç›¸æ‚–ä¿¡æ¯çº·è‡³æ²“æ¥æ—¶å¦‚何选择å¯ä¿¡åº¦ã€å¦‚何看待政府æƒå¨ã€å¤šå¤§ç¨‹åº¦ä¸Šèƒ½ç‹¬ç«‹æ€è€ƒç‹¬ç«‹æŽ¨ç†ã€å¤šå¤§ç¨‹åº¦ä¸Šèƒ½é’»ç ”问题背åŽçš„客观è¯æ®è€Œéžä¾é ç»éªŒæƒ³å½“然ã€å¤šå¤§ç¨‹åº¦ä¸Šèƒ½è·³å‡ºè‡ªå·±çš„固有æ€ç»´æ¨¡å¼åŽ»å¯»æ‰¾ç­”案ã€å¯¹ç§‘学和社会学常识的把æ¡ã€å¯¹äººæ€§çš„ç†è§£ï¼Œç­‰ç­‰ã€‚




4月 1st, 2020

Why Chinese people wearing masks

Posted in 日常 by freecolor

There is a question on Quora which confused me for a long time:

Why did the U.S. surgeon general urge the public to stop buying masks, warning that it won’t help against the spread of the coronavirus when we see all of Asia wearing masks?


3月 17th, 2020

Ajahn Brahm retreat

Posted in 日常 by freecolor

I went to Ajahn Brahm’s retreat and meditation in Canberra for 2 days. He is a worldwide famous Theravada Buddhist monk. He was born in UK, study in Cambridge and then followed and practiced with one of the most famous Theravada monk Ajahn Chah in Thailand. Now he is the abbot of a Western Australia monastery.

At the first day, the retreat was held at the top of a mountain. The meeting room had lots of glass and the scenery was great. At the morning Ajahn Brahm gave us a one hour talk and then one hour guided meditation. At the afternoon he answer some questions and then another one hour meditation. At the second day, same schedule but at the other place by the Lake Griffin.

Ajahn Brahm also present a public speech at UC. The topic is the power of the mind.

I learnt a lot in these 2 days. There are lost of things can not be solved by science and technology. Also there are lots of personal issues can be fixed by hard work. That’s why we need psychology and religion. For example, Ajahn Brahm said that as a doctor if you only focus on heal the patients then you will get frustrated sometime because not all the illness can be heal. But if you focus in care the patients then you will feel more achievement and peace. Basically the doctor does the same thing, providing treatment to the patients, but how he define his purpose make his feeling very different.

For me, I thought of how should I treat my wife. When I saw she made some mistake or struggle in learning some very easy things should I try to fix her? Or coordinate her? Of course not. The past fifteen year marriage already proved that this way doesn’t work. I should just give her more care and let it go.

3月 13th, 2020


Posted in 日常 by freecolor

æ—¥å‰ä¸Žå¡”州,北京连线进行了三方云å–酒,体验éžå¸¸å¥½ã€‚FaceTimeä¾ç„¶ç»™åŠ›ï¼Œç½‘络信å·å·®æ—¶é™ç”»è´¨ä¿è¯­éŸ³ï¼Œä¸å°å¿ƒæ–­çº¿è¿˜å¯ä»¥é‡æ–°åŠ å…¥ã€‚

移民åŽé¥®é£Ÿæ–‡åŒ–æ–¹é¢çš„ä¸ä¹ æƒ¯å¯è¯´å¾®ä¸è¶³é“,唯一的大问题是没人å¯ä»¥å–é…’èŠå¤©äº†ï¼Œäº‘å–酒的出现真是能很大程度上缓解这个问题。所以这么看,此次疫情也ä¸æ˜¯åªæœ‰ç ´å没有建立啊。